Insomnia and its treatment
Criteria for defining insomnia includes an average sleep latency of > 30 minutes, wakefulness after sleep onset > 30 minutes,. Sleep efficiency of < 85% and total sleep time < 6.5 hours.
Agents that treat insomnia:
- Reduce brain activation, enhancing sleep drive, activation of GABA IN HYPOTHALAMIC SLEEP CENTER (VLPO) -VENTRAL LATERAL Preoptic Area
- Positive allosteric modulators of GABAa -benzodiazepines and Z. Drugs.
- Reduce arousal by blocking orexins (DORAS) blocking H1, Blocking serotonin (HT2 A antagonists) and blocking norepinephrine (alpha 1 antagonists)
Benzodiazepine facilitate GABA neurotransmission in inhibitory sleep circuits arising from the hypothalamic VLPO.
Benzodiazepines and Z drugs target GABAA receptors that have a gamma subunit. Postsynaptic, and mediate physic inhibitory neurotransmission. This also can lead to tolerance and dependence.
Block the wake stabilizing effects of the orexins especially at orexins 2 receipts. Act on both orexins 1 and 2.
They prevent the release of wake promoting neurotransmitters.
Bought to lack dependence and withdrawal.
Suvorexand and Lemborexant, drug names.
Lemborexant may wear off sooner in am.
5HT2A/alpha 1/H1 antagonist
Antidepressant. Works to reduce arousal
5HT2A specifically enhances slow-wave sleep/deep sleep.
Antihistamine as mechanism of action:
Doxepin at low doses almost pure H1 blocker
alpha 2 delta ligands: open channel, N and P/Q voltage-gated ion-channel inhibitors. Can enhance slow wave sleep, restorative sleep, and help with pain management.
Pregabalin (Lyrica)
Behavioral treatments
Relaxation training, meditation, stimulus control therapy, CBT, and other forms of psychotherapy.